We can control 80% of hair fall by changing our food and health habits

Wheat Grass Juice:  Take a cup of this miracle juice for 1 month and see a massive difference in your hair fall

Vitamin D deficiency can be the cause of hair loss, take the Vitamin D supplements and sea foods for couple of months

Vitamin B12 and Iron deficiency can be the reason for hair fall. Meat, Fish, Milk , Spinach are the good source of Vitamins

Walnuts give key supplements to prevent hair fall

Beetroots are one of the most mind-blowing wellsprings of nitrates, which increase the blood flow and prevents hair fall

Protein: Proteins contain amino acids which helps for hair growth, some sources are seeds and nuts, yogurt, beans..

Vitamin C foods improves the hair creation of hair shafts some sources are citrus fruits strawberries

Quitting smoking really helps to control the hair loss

Next: Reasons for Sudden Hair Fall

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