Variety of factors can contribute to low sperm count in men


Air pollution, pesticides, pesticide residue in food, laziness, smoking, alcohol habit, junk food can be the reasons for low sperm count in men

Dark Chocolate: The amino acid L-arginine HCL is found in dark chocolate. It helps in increasing sperm volume and sperm count

Walnuts: omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts help  increase the blood supply to the testicles

Pomegranate: Antioxidants in pomegranate increases the number of sperm cells and the quality of semen

Eggs: These are rich in protein. Eggs also help protect sperm from free radicals

Lettuce: Folic acid in Lettuce is useful for proper growth of sperm cells and reduction of damaged sperm cells

Bananas: Bananas contain vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C which help in the production of healthy sperm cells

Pumpkin seeds: Contains phytosterols. They boost the production of testosterone hormone and improve blood circulation and also increase the quality of semen

Tomatoes: They are rich in vitamin C and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. It is very useful in improving fertility in men

Zinc ingredients: Foods rich in zinc like barley, pulses, meat help in increasing the number of sperm cells