Coconut oil:
Using your fingertip, take a very small amount of coconut oil and gently apply it evenly over your lips.
Rose water:
Mix together two drops of rose water to six drops of honey. Apply this mixture to your lips three to four times per day.
Olive oil:
Before bed, massage a few drops of olive oil onto your lips.
Cucumber juice:
In a blender, juice half a cucumber. dip a cotton ball into it and use the cotton ball to gently apply the juice onto your lips.
Make a paste by mixing together five crushed, medium-sized strawberries and 2 teaspoons of baking soda.
In a small bowl, blend 1 tablespoon of fresh dairy cream and enough almond powder to make a paste.
Almond oil:
Every night before bed, massage a drop or two of almond oil onto your lips.
Blend together 3 teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of butter. Three times a week, massage this blend onto your lips for three to four minutes.
Mustard oil:
Once per day, gently massage one to two drops of mustard oil on your lips.
Using a food processor or blender, grind beetroot into a fine paste. Twice a week, apply the beet paste to your lips.