Akshaya Tritiya 2023: Why people buy gold on Akshaya Tritiya

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Akshaya Tritiya 2023: The day is anticipated to be particularly auspicious for purchasing gold and silver. On this day, people buy precious metals, machines, and equipment in praise of Goddess Lakshmi.

This year, Akshaya Tritiya will be observed on April 22 across India. This festival is held during the Shukla Paksha Tritiya of the Vaishnava month. The Hindu calendar considers Akshaya Tritiya to be one of the most auspicious days of the year. As a result, on this day, many people start new businesses or ventures. Furthermore, the day is regarded to be particularly good for purchasing gold and silver.

Akshaya Tritiya 2023

The Akshaya Tritiya Tradition of Purchasing Gold and Silver:

This tradition of purchasing gold and silver on Akshaya Tritiya can be traced back to a narrative in the Mahabharata. According to mythology, Lord Krishna once paid a visit to the Pandava family when they were in exile. Draupadi (queen of Pandavas) was dissatisfied that she could not prepare a feast worthy of Lord Krishna’s stature because he had arrived suddenly and after the normal midday.

But Lord Krishna consoled a despondent Draupadi by extracting a little plant that had been left behind in a vase that had previously housed food and said that the herb will suffice because the Pandavas’ love and affection had already filled his heart and stomach.

Another legend holds that on this day, Lord Kuber was designated as the curator of heaven’s wealth. As a result, the devoted think that purchasing gold on Akshaya Tritiya and worshipping Lord Kuber will bring prosperity to their family.

People also believe that gifting on this day will bring them good fortune.

Reasons to buy gold during Akshaya Tritiya:

Akshaya Tritiya 2023

  • Eternal wealth: We already know that purchasing gold increases an individual’s wealth and assets; however, it is believed that purchasing gold on Akshaya Tritiya ensures eternal prosperity. This is because the word Akshaya means ‘never diminishing’.
  • Profitable Investment: Akshaya Tritiya is an auspicious day in general; no mahurat is necessary to begin a new endeavour or purchase anything special. People start their new enterprises on this day so that it starts on a nice day and all that follows is excellent.

Akshaya Tritiya 2023

  • Auspicious planetary alignment: Hindus say the sun shines brighter on this day. On this day, the Sun, the lord of the planets, and the Moon, the lord of creativity, are exalted, or at their brightest. It is a good day for weddings and for starting new relationships.
  • Great leaders are born on Akshaya Tritiya: Akshaya Tritiya is an auspicious day for childbirth, just as it is for weddings and companies. They are supposed to accomplish a lot in life and build a reputation for themselves.
  • The Tritiya day in the month of Vaishakha, Akshaya Tritiya, is particularly important for the Jain community in India. On this day, devotees from Ayodhya purchased gold and jewellery to gift to Jain Tirthankara Rishabhdev, the monarch of Ayodhya years ago.
  • Akshaya Tritiya marks the start of the Sat-Yug:  According to Hindu texts, Akshaya Tritiya marked the beginning of the Sat-yug. It was the first of the four yugs, the golden age. On this day, Lord Krishna gave Draupadi a patra in which food arrived in abundance during the Pandavas’ exile.
    On this day, strive for good Karma as well as overall prosperity and success. Akshaya Tritiya is also a good day to give special pujas and offerings to Ma Lakshmi. On Akshaya Tritiya, do pooja.

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