How to Monetize Youtube Channel

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How to Monetize YouTube Channel” This doubt is raising in most of the minds those who are having YouTube channel, Then this blog helps you to know how to monetize your YouTube channel in Three steps

In January 2018, Google changed the admission rules to the YouTube Partner Program. The new rules require 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours for a channel to be evaluated for admission.

As per their rules today we are going to learn how to monetize YouTube Channel in this blog

After opening the YouTube Studio just go to the monetization page then you will get the interface as shown below after completing the requirements of YouTube Partner Program (i.e., 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours)

  • Click the Apply Now Button(as shown in the above Image) then you will get the below interface

Now going to steps

We will get the above interface that means we should complete the 3 steps process to monetize our channel

    Step 1 :

  • Step 1 is nothing but accepting the terms and conditions of YouTube Partner Program, it is a simple process

Now simply click the start button in step 1 then we will get some YouTube terms and conditions in that terms and conditions we should give a tick mark in the box (i.e., I accept the YouTube Partner Program terms) and click on Accept Terms as shown below

After couple of minutes you will get this interface as shown in below

Now, Step 1 is completed successfully and also we are Done in 1st step

      Step 2 : 

  • You should read this Step Carefully before you are going to apply monetization for your YouTube Channel, Because if you did any mistake in this step then your channel is going to suspend and you are not eligible to get any type of revenue from your YouTube channel

So, Now click the Start button in Step 2  as shown below

Then automatically you will get this interface as shown bellow then you should be very clear for choosing any option, If you are already having an existing Google AdSense account the click on (Yes, I have an Existing Account) Option, If you are not having an exiting AdSense account then click on the (No, I don’t have an Existing Account) Option then finally click on Continue as shown below

Then after you will get this interface then Choose your account then automatically you will go to another Tab which needs some of your data then fill it, (filling is nothing but select location of your country then after read and accept the agreement of the Google AdSense account) and click on Create Account as shown below


Now click on Get Started  in the next page as shown below

Now you will go to this page then be careful to choose your address here, Why because after completing 10$ in your AdSense account, YouTube Partner Program will send you a 6 digits pin to your given Address to confirm your Details. So be careful and give your live location and same as your address and payee name as in your ID proof (i.e., Pan Card, Driving License or any other Government authorized ID proof ). So be careful and click on Submit

Now You are going to Redirect your address to your AdSense account then click on Redirect

Now your work was completed regarding Step 2 that means YouTube should check the process which you have done in Step 2 it takes 12 to 24 hours to complete this process then finally after completing the checking process by YouTube they will change In Progress to Done as shown below

      Step 3 :

Step 3 was totally under the process of YouTube. So, they will check the Videos and Content of our Channel, If they found any in appropriate content in our channel or If they found any Videos against the YouTube policies then they will block our channel or adds may not be played and also there are chances to suspend our channel by YouTube, So be careful while uploading videos.

This process takes 24 to 48 hours or more then 48 hours to finalize the channel and completing the review process.

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