Find Your Home Decor Personality: Tips and tricks to find your style

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Find Your Home Decor Personality: Tips and tricks to find your style

Home decor is a reflection of one’s personality, style, and taste. Finding your home decor personality can be a fun and exciting process that allows you to create a space that is uniquely yours.

Just as your clothes are an extension of you, your home reflects who you are and your personality. So the space you live in should speak volumes about you, and it is the most important factor to consider when styling or decorating your home. Your home decor personality reflects your personal decorating style and preferences. Many factors influence our choice for a particular type of interior design, including age, family structure, demographic structure, lifestyle, and socioeconomic standing. Knowing your home decor personality can help you make more informed decisions about furniture, colors, patterns, and textures.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you discover your home decor personality:

Take a style quiz:

Begin by taking us What’s My Decorating Style? quiz! We promise it’s not like those high school maths quizzes! It’s completely visual, thoughtful, and entertaining. You might be surprised — the style you end up with (and that truly suits you) may be slightly different from what you had in mind all along. It will also provide you with the necessary design vocabulary to help you narrow down your search. When searching for home decor online, use words like “industrial,” “coastal,” or “boho” to help you find the perfect fit for your space!

Look for inspiration:

Browse home decor magazines, websites, and social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram to find inspiration and ideas.

When you’re visiting friends or traveling, do you come across something you like? Keep track of what inspires you by creating a physical mood board with photos of what you like, filling up a scrapbook, or going virtual with your own Pinterest board. Pay attention to the colors, patterns, textures, and styles that catch your eye.

Consider your lifestyle:

Your decorating style should reflect your lifestyle and needs. If you have kids or pets, you may want to choose furniture and fabrics that are durable and easy to clean.

Start with a neutral base:

If you are unsure about your style, start with a neutral base and add accent pieces and accessories that reflect your personality and taste.

Experiment with different styles:

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and mix and match elements from different styles. You may discover a unique style that reflects your personality.

Take a look at your wardrobe:

Your clothing style can give you clues about your home decor personality. If you prefer classic, timeless pieces, you may prefer a traditional or transitional style. If you like bold, bright colors and patterns, you may prefer a bohemian or eclectic style.

Take stock of what you already have:

You might already have everything you require. Take a look at your existing furniture, accessories, and artwork to see if there are any common themes or styles. You may be surprised to find that you already have a style you love.


Remember, there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to home decor. Your home should be a reflection of your personality and taste, so choose the style that makes you happy and comfortable.


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