Google celebrated bubble tea with interactive game, know its history and benefits

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Google celebrated bubble tea with interactive game, know its history and benefits

Google is frequently mentioned because of its doodles. He dedicates his doodle to some special occasion or event. In this sequence, Google is once again making headlines for its doodle. Actually, Google has released a special doodle. Google is celebrating the global popularity of bubble tea with this special doodle.

Google has launched a fantastic animation interactive doodle game on its homepage that allows you to make bubble tea digitally. Bubble tea is a type of beverage that gained popularity during the Korana epidemic. It has been consistent since the Corona period.

bubble tea

So let’s know about the history and benefits of this special drink Bubble Tea

Boba tea, also known as bubble tea, is a Taiwanese drink that has recently gained popularity around the world. Drinking bubble tea started in the 1980s. This tea is also known by the names of Pearl Tea, Black Pearl Tea, Big Pearl, Pearl Shake, Boba Nai Chai all over the world.

The drink is made with a tea base (black, green, or white) and is shaken with milk and tapioca pearls in a cocktail shaker. These pearls, which resemble bubbles as they rise through the straw, are famous for their slippery and chewy texture, as well as their sweet flavor.

Boba tea is available in a number of flavor combinations. Various fruits, syrups, and other add-ons, such as fruit jellies, pudding, ice, and chunks of fruit, can be mixed into boba tea. This drink is usually served cold with a wide straw so that you can drink the boba alongside the tea.

Nutrition Values:

  • Calories: 120
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 1.5 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 28 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 28 grams

Many boba teas are prepared with pudding, yogurt, fruit, jellies, syrups, and more.

Boba tea provides few vitamins and minerals. However, it contains small amounts of:

  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Selenium

Health Benefits of Bubble Tea:

There are numerous health advantages to drinking bubble tea. Adding milk to your beverage is not only tasty, but also beneficial to your health.

Boba tea typically contains high levels of sugar, which has been linked to long-term health conditions such as diabetes and obesity.

Google celebrated bubble tea with interactive game, know its history and benefits

Lower Blood Pressure:

Many studies have shown that the green base of bubble tea is very beneficial in lowering blood pressure. In addition, this tea, which is high in antioxidants, can lower bad cholesterol levels in the body, lowering the risk of stroke and serious heart disease.

Reduce the Risk of Cancer:

Green tea has also been shown to have anti-cancer properties. Researchers discovered that green tea can lower the risk of liver, breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers by examining its antioxidants, which are substances that prevent or slow damage from unstable oxygen molecules in the body. However, many bubble tea mixtures do not include green tea as a base.

Bubble tea gives strength to the body:

Aside from antioxidants, milk contains a number of other beneficial components. First and foremost, it provides significant strength to the body, thanks to the calcium content of milk. It makes the bones much tougher so that you can carry out your daily activities without easily breaking any bones.

It’s a great source of energy:

Without a doubt, pouring a glass of milk provides you with energy that your body system needs to function properly. Boba tea’s carbohydrate content is the primary source of energy for your brain. It also fuels your heart muscles and your central nervous system. You get the best of both worlds when you combine them. You get the energy you need to complete your daily tasks.

The beverage acts as a stress reliever:

There are numerous stressful activities that we must complete throughout the day. However, there is a solution to the problem. Drinking bubble tea relaxes your muscles, allowing you to complete your tasks more easily. Caffeine in the beverage revitalizes the body.

Boost your immune system:

Improving your immune system is one of the most important health benefits of bubble tea. The drink contains a variety of antioxidants that prevent the accumulation of oxidative stress. Furthermore, fresh fruits such as mango and strawberry are beneficial to your health. You can incorporate them into your bubble tea. These fruits provide vitamin C, which you may require given how hectic life is nowadays.

It protects the body from free radical damage:

Free radicals are dangerous to the body. They have the ability to mutate certain parts of the body, which can lead to cancer and chronic diseases. Green tea contains epigallocatechin and polyphenols, both of which can combat free radicals. As a result, it’s a good idea to include green tea in your tapioca balls as part of your daily intake.

Enhance Weight loss:

Drinking boba tea on a regular basis can aid in weight loss. Because the polyphenol and caffeine act as a dietary agent, it is an excellent substance for weight loss. However, due to its fact compound, it can also cause you to gain weight. So, whether you need to gain or lose weight, bubble tea can help. You may need to be cautious when drinking the beverage. Aside from that, you’re all set.

Google celebrated bubble tea with interactive game, know its history and benefits



There are a few advantages to drinking bubble tea. However, depending on how you prepare the drink, you may be doing more harm than good. So it’s always best to stick to the healthier side of bubble tea.

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