Weight Gain is Normal During Pregnancy?

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Weight Gain is Normal During Pregnancy?

Gaining weight during pregnancy is extremely common and ordinary; it aids in the growing baby’s development. However, experts suggest the importance of maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy in order to avoid complications for both the mother and the child.

This article explains the pregnancy weight gain guidelines and how much a person should gain during each trimester. We also talk about how to avoid gaining or losing too much weight during pregnancy, as well as how to stay healthy while pregnant.

Gain weight during pregnancy and how much?

Pregnancy weight gain guidelines:

Pregnancy weight gain varies greatly and is affected by a number of factors, including:

  • prepregnancy weight
  • prepregnancy body mass index (BMI)
  • twin or multiple pregnancies
  • stage of pregnancy, or trimester
  • the overall health of the fetus

Weight gain is primarily determined by your body mass index (BMI) and pre-pregnancy weight. Even though BMI does not account for factors such as ethnicity, gender, race, or age, it is a quick way to assess a person’s health status and outcomes. During pregnancy, the average weight gain ranges from 10 to 12 kg. However, it is common for pregnant women to gain weight only in the second and third trimesters when they can gain anywhere from 0.5 to 1 kg per week.

Here’s a guide on how much weight you should gain based on your pre-pregnancy BMI:

If you only have one child:

  • Underweight (13–18.5): 13–18 kgs
  • Normal weight (18.5-24.9 kgs): 11-16 kgs
  • Overweight (25-29.9): 7 to 11 kgs
  • Obese (30>): 5–9 kgs

If you’re having twins:

  • Underweight (18.5): 23-28 kg
  • Normal weight (18.5-24.9 kgs): 17-24 kgs
  • Overweight (25-29.9): 14-23 kgs
  • Obese (30 and up): 11-19 kgs

How much weight should you gain each trimester?

First trimester: No extra calories are required during the first trimester. During the first trimester, they may gain no weight or only 1 to 5 pounds (lb).

Second trimester: A person requires an additional 340 calories per day during the second trimester. They may gain 0.5-1 pound per week.

Third trimester: A person requires an additional 450 calories per day during the third trimester. They may gain 0.5-1 pound per week.

A person with a moderate BMI should gain 25-35 pounds per year. This goes to:

  • baby: 7–8 lb
  • placenta: 2–3 lb
  • amniotic fluid: 2–3 lb
  • breasts: 2–3 lb
  • blood supply: 4 lb
  • uterus: 2–5 lb
  • fat stores for delivery and breastfeeding: 5–9 lb

Gain weight during pregnancy and how much?

Is it safe to lose weight while pregnant?

Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal to ensure a healthy pregnancy and to support the development and growth of the fetus.

As a result, doctors do not advise pregnant women to diet or lose weight, even if they are overweight.

If a woman is severely overweight while pregnant, her doctor may advise her to lose weight. However, they should only do so with their doctor’s permission and supervision.

Staying healthy during pregnancy

Gain weight during pregnancy and how much?

The following tips may help a person stay healthy during pregnancy:

Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet: This includes a wide variety of foods, particularly lean protein, whole grains, low-fat dairy, vegetables, and fruits. Reduce your intake of added sugars and solid fats. Avoid foods that are unsafe to consume during pregnancy.

Stay Active: Walking and swimming are two examples of safe and effective pregnancy exercises.

Consume plenty of water: Pregnant women should drink 8-12 cups of water per day. This is necessary for the production of amniotic fluid, the circulation of nutrients throughout the body, and the removal of toxins.

Consume supplements:  During pregnancy, a person only needs folic acid and iodine. Some people may require additional supplements based on their individual risk factors.

Consult with a medical professional: Throughout the pregnancy, a doctor will monitor a pregnant woman’s weight and overall pregnancy health. A dietitian can also help you plan how to increase or decrease your calorie intake as needed.

Final Thoughts:

Pregnancy weight gain is a normal and necessary part of pregnancy to support the fetus’s growth and development.


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