How to Grow Sorrel Leaves from Seed to Harvest

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How to Grow Sorrel Leaves from Seed to Harvest

In this article I have explained How to Sorrel (Gongura) from Seed to Harvest, which helps every farmer and home gardener to gain the knowledge on

  • Available verities of Sorrel.
  • Seed germination time.
  • Suitable soil and weather conditions.
  • Field preparation and planting distance.
  • Fertilizer and Water Management.
  • Required seed per acre and expected yield per acre.

Tender leaves and branches are used as leafy vegetable. The leaves are sour and contain many nutrients.

How to grow Sorrel leaves from seed to harvest

Sorrel(Gongura) called with different names in other Indian languages: Gongura, Pulicha Keerai, Pandi, Pitwaa, Ambada

Types – Characteristics:

100 grams of seeds Contains approximately 3000 seeds

Sorrel Leaves Seed Germination time is 5 to 10 Days

A.N.G.R.A.U. – 1: This is a Red sorrel leaves variety. Yields 4-5 tons of leaves per acre. Suitable for summer crop.

N.G.R. A.U. – 2: This is a white sorrel leaves variety. Yields 4-5 tons of leaves per acre.

Bhimili: Can’t tolerate water stress. Suitable for Rabi

Soils and soil preparation:

It can be suitable to all soils. Light loamy soils, red soils, well-drained soils are suitable. The land should be plowed well 3-4 times to make it flat. In the last step, 5 tons of cattle dung should be mixed.


Plant the beds with a distance of 60 cm. The seed should be sown in rows (with 30 cm distance) on both sides of the box. After 20 days of germination, weak plants should be picked and sold in bundles. Leave 10-15 cm between remaining plants.

Water Management:

Give a water immediately after sowing and every 3-4 days. After that it should be wetted for 7-10 days depending on the soil moisture. Apply fertilizer and water after each harvest.


  • After 20 days of sowing, plants that are weak can be picked and used as greens, leaving a distance of 10-15 cm between the remaining plants.
  • Plant pruning should be done after 25-30 days. The branches can be used for cooking.
  • Harvesting can be done after every 15-20 days by cutting the branches and 2-3 cuttings can be taken.

How to grow Sorrel leaves from seed to harvest


Sorrel (Gongura) yield: 4-5 tones/acre.

Follow WalPencil to get to know cultivation tips for other vegetable crops like Amaranthus, Spinach, Spine Gourd  etc.

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