How to Grow Potato from Seed to Harvest

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How to Grow Potato from Seed to Harvest

Potato (Solanum potatoosum Linn.) is a short season crop grown in winter. Our national Potato average yield is 19.3 tones per hectare while the average yield in Central South Indian regions is only 11 tones per hectare. The average yield in our state is 20.1 tones per hectare.

How to Grow Potato from Seed to Harvest

Considering the reasons for low yield:

  1. Average yield in our state is higher temperature in Deccan Plateau region as compared to North India.
  2. Poor quality seed
  3. Non-availability of scientific and technical methods of cultivation to the farmers

In our state potato is cultivated for potatos. The climate of our state is not suitable for seed production. Cold places like Shimla and Kashmir are suitable for the cultivation of potato seeds in North India.


Cultivation of potato requires cool climate. A day temperature of 32° centigrade and a night temperature of 20° centigrade are most suitable for its growth. When the temperature is high, the plant grows strongly, but the potatos do not grow.


Fertile sandy or loamy soils with good drainage and drainage are suitable. Acidic soils with a Soils with a Soil PH levels 5.2–7.0 suitable. Heavy alluvial soils are not suitable for Potato growth.

Suitable Varieties:

Kufri Chandramukhi: Short duration variety. The plant shows some creeping character. The leaves are broad and the potato is large and round. The pulp is brown and the eyes are superficial. The flesh is pale yellow in color. The harvesting period is 90-95 days. Yield: 9.6 tones/acre.

Kufri Lovekar: Short duration variety. The potato is white in color. Harvest time: 70-75 days

Kufri Jyoti: Mid duration type. The potato is white in color. Resistant to early blight and late blight.  Harvesting period: 90-100 days. Yield : 10 t/a.

Kufri Barsh: This is a Chronic type. Potatoes are medium to large, round, white in color.Harvesting Period is 100-110 days, yield 10-11.2 t/a.

How to Grow Potato from Seed to Harvest

The recent releases Kufri Jawahar and Puk Raj are also suitable for the southern region.

Apart from these varieties, Kufrijyoti, Kufrilavakar, Kufribahar, Sadabahar, Chips Sona 1, 2, 3 varieties, Kufri Anand, Kufri Surya, 116, 117, 166, S-1, S-2 specially selected varieties are also cultivated in our state.


Choose healthy potatoes that are free from pests. Those with 2-3 eyes weighing about 30-40 g and just beginning to germinate should be selected for sowing. Sliced ​​seed potatoes require 6 to 8 tones per acre. Seed treatment must be done to prevent seed-borne fungi. A solution of 25-50g bagalal (methyl ethoxy mercuric chloride) in 10 liters of water should be kept for 2-5 minutes. Only once prepared medicated solution should be used for seed treatment.

Selection of seed:

Potatoes weighting about 20-30 g can be used as seed. The seed should be procured from well-known and reliable companies or from seed development agencies of the Department of Agriculture.

Seed Per Acre:

Seed rate: 1.5-1.8 t/ha for round varieties and 2.0-2.5 t/ha for oval varieties.

Harvesting: 90-100 days after planting.

Yield: 9-15 tones per acre

Soil Preparation:

If this is not done, deep plowing of the field and exposure to the sun will kill most of the fungi and weed seeds in the soil. Due to this, the density of water is reduced and pest and weed infestation are reduced. After that the field should be plowed with 10-12 tonnes of cattle manure per acre. A distance of 50 cm should be kept between canals and pits.

Planting Distance:

The seeds should be sown on one side above the eyes. The distance between two rows should be 50 cm and the distance between two plants in a row should be 20 cm.

Water Management:

Immediately after sowing 2-3 drops of water should be given in every five to six days. Due to this, the planted potatoes germinate well, otherwise the plant will be damaged. Also, cracks in the soil make potatoes more susceptible.

Water should be given every 7-8 days during the growing stage of the plant and every 4-5 days during the potatoes forming stage. Stop watering 8-10 days before harvesting.


Harvest is usually done 90-100 days after planting. Plants turn yellow to brown and fall off. A light watering of the potatoes a week or so prior to cultivating, if necessary, will help the potatoes to cultivate easily. With a tractor-driven potato cultivar, the crop can be harvested without much damage to the potatoes. The cultivation Potatoes should be dried in the shade until the top layer of Potatoes becomes hard. This is called “curing”.

Harvest, damaged and decomposed potatoes should be separated, graded according to potato size, packed in bags and sent to the market. Sending the crop to cold storage as soon as possible will reduce the risk of potato. Under no circumstances should the potatoes be exposed to sun, the potatoes turn green, poisonous and uneatable.

How to Grow Potato from Seed to Harvest


Depending on variety : 9-15 t/a

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