How to Grow Chilli from Seed to Harvest

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How to Grow Chilli from Seed to Harvest

Mirchi belongs to the family of Solanaceae. It is known as the most valuable crop of India. The mirchi is also being termed as “chili pepper”. It is used as a principle ingredient of various curries and chutneys, and also used in vegetables, spices, sauces and pickles.


Mirchi can be grown in a sandy loam soil or black soil. Which is well-drained and rich in organic matter. Avoid using clayey soil.

Seed Per Acre:

Seed rate: 650 grams of seed per acre of land.

Harvest: 2-4 months after sowing

Yield: 6-8 tones per acre


G-3: Suitable for rain dependent agriculture and it can give Yield 600-700 kgs per acre, 1500-1800 kgs/acre under drip irrigation.

G-4 (Bagyalaxmi): Chilies are thin and long and suitable for both green and green chilli . Yield: 4-4.5 tons/acre.

G-5 (Andhra Jyothi): Chilies are short and thick. Yield: 4-5 tons/acre.

CA 960(Sindhur): Chillis are long and big, suitable for green and red chilli farming and suitable for summer crop season, low spicy. Yield : 5-5.5 tones/acre.

LCA-200 (Kiran): Chillis are long , suitable for rain dependents fields.
Yield : 4-4.5 tons per acre.

CA 1068 (Aparna): Chillis are Long, suitable for cultivation of green and green chilies under water with under drip irrigation Yield : 3.5-4 tons per acre.

Y.C.A.235 (Bhaskar): Chilis are short and very spicy, suitable for irrigation and under drip irrigation.
Yield: 5-6 tons per acre

Y.C.A.206 (Prakash): Chillis are Long, suitable for green and green chilies. A national variety suitable for cultivation under rain dependets field. Yield : 4.5-5 tones per acre

Y.C.A.305 (Lam. 305): Chillis are Long, suitable for green and green chilies.
Yield : 5-6 tones per acre.

LCA334 (Lam. 334): This type was released in the year 2006 as Lam 334. Plants grow thick and tall, chills length is 7-8 cm. They have good red color, suitable for cultivation in all rain dependent fields and well watered districts.
Yield : 6-6.5 tones per acre.

Y.C.A.353: The chillis are light green in color and measure 7 to 9 cm,  suitable for green and green chillies . Yield : 6-6.5 tones per acre.

YALCA 625: The chillis grow strong and tall. The chillis are high in pepper (0.57%) and have an attractive red color (1158 ASTA) with a long shelf life. High yielding variety (6.2-6.8 tones per acre) suitable for green chillies.

10 Grams of seeds Contains approximately 1200 seeds

Chili Seed Germination time is 7 to 14 Days

Crop Season:

Kharif : July, August
Rabi : October, November.

Planting Distance :

Transplanting is done after six weeks of sowing. In rain dependent fields keep a distance of 60×15 cm for palnt to plant and one plant per pit.
Under Drip irrigation, 2 plants per pit should be planted in soil of 60×60 or 75X60 or 90×60 cm .


Harvest fully grown green chills.


6-8 tones per acre in 135-150 days.