How to Grow Carrot from Seed to Harvest

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How to Grow Carrot from Seed to Harvest

Carrot (Daucus carota Linn.) is an important root vegetable. It is cultivated in all parts of our country. As their roots turn into carrot, they are used to eat as a salad, to prepare various kinds of curries and sweets. Carrots have red varieties due to high anthocyanins and orange varieties due to high carotene content. Carrot is recognized as a good nutritional food due to its high content of proteins, salts and vitamins along with vitamin-A.

How to Grow Carrot from Seed to Harvest


10 grams of seeds Contains approximately 6000 seeds

Carrot Seed Germination time is 14 to 21 Days

Although there are Asian (Red carrots) and European (orange carrots) varieties of carrots, the varieties suitable for the respective regions should be selected and cultivated.

Especially Pusakesar, Pusameghali, Chantani, Nantitis Halfng, Kharoda, Royal Portu, Newkharoda and hybrid varieties Royal Rhoda, Kuruncha, Nisha, Neha, Nandini are mostly cultivated.

Pusakasar: Produced by crossbreeding localred, non-halfing varieties. The quality of the carrot does not deteriorate even if they remain in the ground for months longer than local red. A high yielding red carrot variety. It has high percentage of carotene (3.8 mg/100g).

Erlenonitis: Carrots are cylindrical, 12-15 cm long, with a thin upper layer and orange color. Harvesting Period is 90-100 days after sowing.

Chantney: A variety suitable for canning and storage. The root carrot is 11.5 to 15 cm long, 3-5 cm thick and glossy orange in color. It is a variety suitable for temperate zone.

Pusa Yamadagni: It is a hybrid between EC. 9981 × Nantis. Early maturity characteristic from EC 9981 and non-tytis with round and uniform colored flesh are present in this hybrid. Carrot are 15-16 cm long, glossy orange in color. High yielding variety with higher carotene percentage.

How to Grow Carrot from Seed to Harvest


Well-drained deep sandy loam soils are best suited. Heavy clay soils are not suitable. A soil with soil PH level 6.5 is suitable. Root growth slows down in clay soils and carrot do not develop. Lateral roots are formed.


Carrot is a root crop grown in cool climates. carrot growth and color is not good in high temperature. At very low temperatures the carrot are less colored and longer. A temperature of 18-24 C is required for yielding quality carrot. If the temperature is less than 15 C and above 21 C, the percentage of carotene decreases. Bangalore and Chittoor district’s western regions, which do not have extreme heat, are suitable for carrot cultivation throughout the year.

Seed Per Acre:

Seed rate: 2 kg seed per acre is sufficient.

Harvesting: 14-21 days

Yield: 8-12 t/acre

Planting season:

Carrot can be cultivated from August to November. Planting from August to November with an interval of 15 days can result in a longer crop.

Main Field Preparation and Cultivation Procedure:

The selected field should be well plowed and leveled 4-5 times. Carrot can be cultivated in small pits or beds. Make small pits in the field and sow seeds 1-1.5 cm deep in rows spaced 22.5 cm apart or dig pits 30 cm apart and tamp the seed well.

Make pits at a distance and rub the seed well. Due to the small size of the seed, it is easy to sow at proper spacing if 10 kg of fine sand is mixed per kg of seed. Seeds germinate within 7 days of sowing.


The Carrots are white at first and then turn yellow gradually turning dark orange or red. After the carrots are fully developed, the water should be drained and the next day, the carrots should be harvested along with the leaves. If the carrots are not picked even after ripening, the carrots will develop roots.

How to Grow Carrot from Seed to Harvest


8-12 t/acre


Grown carrot will remain fresh for 3-4 days under normal weather conditions. But if stored in cold storage at 0-4.4°C temperature and 95 percent air humidity it will remain intact for 3-4 months.

Follow WalPencil to get to know cultivation tips for other vegetable crops like Taro root,  Coriander, Potato etc.

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