How to Grow Capsicum from Seed to Harvest

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How to Grow Capsicum from Seed to Harvest

Capsicum (Bangalore mirchi) (Capsicum annuum L.) is non-spicy and bell-shaped. Hence it is also known as “bell pepper”and it is a winter crop and grows well in cool places like Shimla. Hence it is also known as ‘Shimla Mirchi’. It is rich in vitamin ‘A’ and ‘C’.


In winter, the minimum temperature during night is between 10-17° Celsius for 30-40 days, yield is good.


Capsicum is suitable for growing in all soils, but fertile alluvial soils with good drainage are best suited. When this crop is grown in sandy soil, more organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers will give better yields. Soils with a Soil PH levels 6.0–6.5 are suitable.

Seeds per Acre:

Seed rate: 500 – 600 grams per acre

Harvest: 55 to 60 days for Green Capsicum, 70 to 75 days for Yellow Capsicum and 80 to 90 days for Red Capsicum

Yield: 30 to 40 tons per acre


California Wonder: The fruit is green in color. Harvesting period : 140-150 days, Yield : 6-7 tons/acre.

Arkabasant: The fruit is light yellow in color. Harvesting period: 125-140 days. Yield : 6-8 tones/acre.

Arka Gaurav: The fruit is dark green in color and turn orange on ripening. Harvesting period:  125-150 days. Yield : 6-8 tones/acre

Arka Mohini: Fruits are dark green in color and turn red when ripe. Average fruit weight 180-200 gm Harvesting period:  120 days. Yield : 6-8 tones/acre

Bharat (Hybrid): The fruits are green in color. Yield : 14-16 tons / acre.

10 Grams of seeds Contains approximately 3000 seeds

Capsicum Seed Germination time is 7 to 10 Days

Crop Season:

September to end of October

Planting distance:

60 cm between rows and 45 cm between plants should be planted at the rate of two plants per spindle.

Water management:

Water should be given after third day of sowing. After that, depending on the nature of the soil, water should be given at intervals of 7 to 10 days.

Harvest and yield:


Green capsicum usually grown depending upon variety and season.
Yields 20-40 tons per hectare in about 4-5 months.
In yellow and red varieties, harvesting should be done in 3-4 days.
Yield up to 30-40 tones per acre.