How to Grow Beetroot from Seed to Harvest

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How to Grow Beetroot from Seed to Harvest

Beetroot is eaten raw (salad). It is also used in the preparation of vegetables and pickles.Tender beetroot leaves are used as a vegetable.

How to Grow Beetroot from Seed to Harvest

In this article I have explained How to Beetroot from Seed to Harvest, which helps every farmer and home gardener to gain the knowledge on

  • Available verities of Beetroot.
  • Seed germination time.
  • Suitable soil and weather conditions.
  • Field preparation and planting distance.
  • Fertilizer and Water Management.
  • Required seed per acre and expected yield per acre.


Deep, fertile sandy soils are perfect. Heavy alluvial soils are not suitable. Soil with soil PH level 6-7 is suitable and can also be grown in highly alkaline soils.


It is a winter crop. A temperature of 180 centigrade to 21° centigrade is suitable. If the temperature is below 10° centigrade, flowering will form and beetroot development will be stunted.

Planting time:

Sowing can be done from August to end of November. If the seeds are sown in batches, the crop will be available according to the market demand with a gap of 15 days.


100 grams of seeds Contains approximately 6000 seeds

Beetroot Seed Germination time is 3 to 5 Days

Detroit Dark Red: Harvest Time : 80-100 days, high yielding variety. The beetroot layer is very red and smooth.

Crimson Globe: The beetroot is round and the skin is pale red in color. Harvest time: 90-95 days, high yield.

Early Wonder: The beetroot is very red and crusty. Harvesting period: 55-60 days

Seed Per Acre:

Seed Rate: 3-4 kg of seed per acre is sufficient.

Harvesting: 60-90 days

Yield: 10-12 tones/acre.

Soil Preparation:

The soil should be plowed well until it becomes fertile. 10-12 tones of cattle manure per acre should be mixed in the last bed.

Seed Dose and Method of Sowing:

Beet root seeds are known as ‘seed balls’. Each has more than two seeds. 3-4 kg of seed per acre is sufficient. Sow 45 cm between rows with a distance of 8-10 cm between plants.


The crop is ready in about 60-90 days. The whole plant including the beetroot should be picked, the leaves should be removed and washed and sent to the market.

How to Grow Beetroot from Seed to Harvest


10-12 tones/acre.

Follow WalPencil to get to know cultivation tips for other vegetable crops like Radish, Carrot , Mint etc.

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