How To Ensure Hair Growth Through Proper Nourishment?

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How To Ensure Hair Growth Through Proper Nourishment?

Most men take it for granted that male pattern baldness is hereditary. They believe that nothing can be done about it. This is not always the case. You need to understand that the body requires proper nourishment to ensure hair growth. Hair fall issues and male pattern baldness could result from a number of nourishment issues. Here we have shared facts about the different nutrients and vitamins that contribute to better hair growth and healthy hair. Read along and get better informed.

How To Ensure Hair Growth Through Proper Nourishment?

Vitamin A

While Vitamin A plays an essential role in proper hair growth, there are certain harms associated with over-nourishment with Vitamin A. This is the reason why there are controversies related to Vitamin A as being vital for hair growth. The fact is that 900 micrograms per day of Vitamin A is recommended for a man and 700 micrograms of Vitamin A is recommended for a woman. An overconsumption of Vitamin A results in scalp oil issues that result in hair fall.

Vitamin B12

Studies reveal that several of the important activities within hair follicles happen due to Vitamin B12. A deficiency of this Vitamin can thus affect proper hair growth. The chances of Vitamin B12 deficiency increases with age. Research shows that 6% of adults below the age of 60 and 20% of the adults above the age of 60 suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiency. The common symptoms that could link to Vitamin B12 deficiency are palpitations, fatigue, pale skin and more symptoms like dementia or infertility. Since the body is capable of storing Vitamin B12, it is a great idea to consume foods and supplements that provide Vitamin B12.

Vitamin C

Most people assume that there is no link between Vitamin C deficiency and hair growth. This is not true. Vitamin C plays an important role in maintaining a healthy scalp. This in turn contributes to better hair growth. The good thing about this vitamin is that it is really abundant in the natural fruits and vegetables. If you consume a healthy diet, there are few chances that you may suffer from Vitamin C deficiency.

Vitamin D

Lowered Vitamin D levels could be one of the prime causes of hair loss and other health issues. Vitamin D is easily available to all by being exposed to the early sun. However, if you have stayed indoors too long and suffer from hair loss, it could be a clear sign of Vitamin D deficiency. If you experience Vitamin D deficiency, you can perk up the Vitamin levels by using supplements. However, this is only a temporary solution. You must also alter your lifestyle so that you get exposed to sunlight more often. This will prevent the deficiency of Vitamin D in the future. This solution works best for the long-term.

Vitamin E

The levels of antioxidants in our body play an important role in maintaining regular hair growth. It is clear that reduced levels of antioxidants in the body may affect hair growth. Vitamin E helps to maintain the antioxidant levels in the body. This is the reason why a deficiency of Vitamin E is not desirable. You can alter your diet to include more Vitamin E rich foods like almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, avocados and broccoli.


How To Ensure Hair Growth Through Proper Nourishment?

Biotin is a type of B Vitamin that is associated with hair growth. Studies reveal a direct link between hair loss and biotin deficiency in women. While biotin is not linked with male pattern baldness, people using biotin supplements experience better hair growth.

Different Options to Revive Hair Growth

Most of us do not find hair fall to be desirable. However, you should not look at hair fall just as a problem in itself. You may also look at it as a symptom of other issues like nutritional deficiencies. You may be concerned about hair fall because it may affect your overall looks. There are some measures to revive hair growth. You can try them and see if there are any benefits. Natural methods are slow and take time to show its effect.

Natural Measures to Ensure Better Hair Growth

Natural methods to enhance hair growth show their effects slowly. However, they show the best results without any side effects in the long run. Here are some natural measures prescribed for hair growth:

  • Consume a balanced diet. This will ensure there are no Vitamin deficiencies. This is a great way to avoid hair loss caused by any kind of deficiency.

  • Take a walk in the early sun daily. This is a great way to avoid Vitamin D deficiency.

  • Massage your head with coconut oil to keep your scalp properly lubricated. Dryness in the scalp is one of the reasons for hair loss that can be avoided.

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