Foods to Eat and Avoid During Pregnancy

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Foods to Eat and Avoid During Pregnancy: Pregnancy is a very important stage in a woman’s life. At this stage of life, a woman needs to take responsibility of the baby in her womb too. She needs to choose her diet carefully. This is because what she eats has a great impact on the child’s health too. There are some foods that are extremely beneficial during pregnancy. There are other foods that you need to completely avoid during pregnancy. Understanding these facts can help you face pregnancy positively.

Foods to Eat and Avoid During Pregnancy

Here we have shared the information you need about diet during pregnancy. These tips will surely help you.

Foods to Have During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need foods that provide nourishment to you and your baby. Here are some foods that will help provide the necessary nourishment:


Foods to Eat and Avoid During Pregnancy


Chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas and peanuts are some of the common legumes. These are rich sources of fiber, protein, folate (B9), calcium and iron. During the first trimester, folate is essential for the health of mother and baby. 

Folate deficiency may result in low birth weight and neural tube defects. Legumes are a great source of folate. Including one cup of folate in your regular diet can greatly help during pregnancy.

Dairy Products

Foods to Eat and Avoid During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman requires extra protein and calcium intake. Dairy products are a great source of phosphorous, calcium, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium. Greek Yogurt is found to be particularly useful for pregnant women. The calcium derived through dairy products also meets the needs of the growing foetus.


Foods to Eat and Avoid During Pregnancy

Eggs are always a great source of a number of nutrients. Egg is also a vital source of choline to the body. It is observed that women who have choline deficiency lead to neural tube defects and decreased brain function in the foetus. A single egg in a day can contribute 25% of the choline requirement for a pregnant woman. 


Omega 3 fatty acids are also essential for the body during pregnancy. Salmon is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. These Omega 3 Fatty acids have a great role to play in the development of the brain and the eyes of the foetus.


Berries are rich sources of different nutrients like Vitamin C, fiber, healthy carbohydrates and antioxidants that the body requires. 

Lean Meat

Chicken, pork and beef are packed with vital nutrients. They are a rich source of choline, B Vitamins and iron. The pregnant women require more iron intake during the first trimester. This is because the blood in their body is increasing due to pregnancy. Make sure to include the lean meats in regular diet.

Broccoli and Dark Leafy Vegetables

Dark leafy vegetables and broccoli are rich in essential nutrients that pregnant women require. These foods are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, iron, calcium, potassium and folate. The green leafy vegetables are also rich in antioxidants. This helps to improve digestion as well as immunity in pregnant women.

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

The body of a woman changes during pregnancy. That is why the needs of the body also changes. Here are some foods you need to strictly avoid during pregnancy:

High Mercury Fish

High Mercury Fish

Mercury is often found in polluted water. It is a highly toxic element. Higher amounts of mercury can adversely affect the immune system, brain and major body organs. This is the reason why high mercury fishes should not be consumed during pregnancy. Some of the common high mercury fishes are sharks, king mackerel, tuna and swordfish. 

Undercooked or Raw Meat/Fish

The foods women consume during pregnancy should be properly cooked. Undercooked or raw fish or meat could be hazardous to the health of mother and child during pregnancy. Raw shell fish is known to cause several infections such as parasitic, viral and bacterial infections.

Bacteria threaten the health of unborn baby. These are found in uncooked and undercooked meat and fish. That is why you must strictly avoid these during pregnancy. 

Raw Sprouts

Raw sprouts are usually considered healthy. However, during pregnancy, raw sprouts are not advisable. This is because the raw sprouts could be contaminated with salmonella. It is impossible to wash off these bacteria. The better option would be to cook and have the sprouts.


It is important to limit caffeine intake if you are a pregnant woman. Caffeine is commonly found in coffee, tea, cocoa, and soft drinks. It is advisable to keep the daily intake of caffeine to 200mg per day if you are pregnant. Excessive caffeine consumption may result in the low birth weight of the baby. It may also result in restricted foetal growth. 

Fruit Juices

While fruit juices are usually regarded healthy, it is best to avoid these during pregnancy. This is because the fruit juices could be prone to bacterial contamination. Some of these bacterial infections could have life-threatening impact on the unborn child’s health.

Unpasteurized Milk and Cheese

Pasteurisation helps to remove bacteria and other adverse organic growths that are harmful. That is why it is important to consume only pasteurized dairy products and milk. E. Coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter are some of the bacteria commonly found in unpasteurized milk and dairy products. Pasteurization helps to eliminate these making milk and milk products safe for consumption.

Care During the 9 Months of Pregnancy

A woman undergoes many changes in her body and mind during the nine months of pregnancy. That is why it is important that proper care is taken regarding her well-being. Food is just one aspect of her health. A partner should also understand and cater to her mood changes and uncertainties that arise due to this drastic change in life. 

A mother and child go through the pregnancy together. If the mother is not happy, the child born won’t be healthy. It is important to take complete care of the mother’s health as well as emotions. It will help ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy. Hope the above information helps you get a deeper understanding of pregnancy. It will help you deal with the pregnancy better.


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