Walking : Health Benefits of Walking, Plus Safety Tips and More

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Walking : Health Benefits of Walking, Plus Safety Tips and More

High blood pressure, diabetes, paralysis, heart disease, and cancer are becoming more common.  The primary cause of this is an unhealthy lifestyle and the most important factor is laziness. In terms of exercise and physical activity, we lag far behind. Why not get some exercise? According to a recent study conducted by the University of Massachusetts, walking is very important. So, In this article I have explained lot of benefits of walking and tips and more.

Work and exercise are both necessary for the body. Doing things with enthusiasm is essential for staying fit. The World Health Organization recommends at least five days per week of 30 minutes of exercise. This entails exercising for at least 150 minutes per week. However, more than half of the people in our country do not adhere to this. We do not fully comprehend the concept of minimum exercise. Walking appears to be the simplest solution in such circumstances. According to a University of Massachusetts study, walking 6,000 to 9,000 steps per day reduces the risk of heart attack by 40% and the risk of stroke by 50% in people over the age of sixty. Walking is a simple form of exercise.

Health Benefits of Walking

Walk 10,000 Steps Per Day:

You’ve probably heard that for fitness and weight loss, you should walk 10,000 steps per day, which equates to 4 to 5 miles. This concept began as a way to encourage people to move more. However, researchers are now investigating whether it is a worthwhile goal.

According to research, 10,000 steps per day isn’t a magic number, but it is a good indicator of how much activity a person gets in a day. In fact, one study of steps per day and weight found that people who walked more per day weighed less on average.

Benefits of walking:

Why should you set a daily step goal? Walking is a form of exercise that is accessible to the majority of people. You don’t need any special equipment other than some supportive walking shoes. And there’s no need for an expensive membership at a fitness center. Here are the some benefits of walking.

Health Benefits of Walking

  • Walking is a form of aerobic exercise. It raises the heart rate and breathing rate, as well as the amount of oxygen in the blood. As a result, the heart and lungs become stronger.
  • Walking helps to improve physical fitness. Muscle mass grows. Bones are also fortified. This reduces the possibility of falling and breaking bones.
  • Concentration and memory increase due to increase in oxygen supply to the brain. They are very important for the elderly.
  • Dilation of blood vessels reduces high blood pressure.
  • Endorphins are released when you exercise. They create a sense of comfort and reduce mental stress.
  • When we sit and sleep without doing anything, our bodies actually spend some calories. This is known as basal metabolic rate. It is more common in those who regularly exercise. This is in addition to the calories burned during physical activity. This will help you maintain your weight.

However, regular walking can help reduce your risk of the following common health problems:

  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure

How to include more steps in your day:

Take the dog for a walk: If you don’t have a dog, volunteer at an animal shelter to walk dogs. Alternatively, combine your activity with social time by accompanying a friend on a dog walk.

Try music: A catchy tune or something with a strong beat can help make exercise more enjoyable and motivate you to walk farther or faster.

Include the family: Instead of watching a movie in the afternoon, go for a walk or hike together.

Go in person: Instead of sending a work email, walk over to your colleague’s desk.

Walk while waiting: When you’re running late for an appointment or waiting for a flight, go for a walk instead of sitting.

Park farther away: Choose parking spots that are further away from the entrance. If you take the bus, get off at the first available stop and walk the rest of the way.

Take the stairs: Going down the stairs also counts as a step and burns calories.

Keep an eye on heart rate on elderly people while walking:

Health Benefits of Walking

During exercise, the heart rate increases while walking. Caution is important for the elderly.

A healthy adult’s heart can beat at a rate of 220 beats per minute without strain. They can calculate the maximum heart rate based on this. To begin, subtract age from 220. The remaining number should then be taken as the maximum heart rate. Consider the following scenario: you are 70 years old. Subtraction of 70 from 220 yields 150. This is your highest heart rate. That is, if the heart beats up to 150 times per minute while walking or exercising, there is no problem. But keep in mind that the heart rate should be lower than this.

Precautions while walking:

Muscle and nerve strength decrease in old age. Because the nerves are weak, the feet are not aware of any piercing. It is more common in people with diabetes. So don’t walk with bare feet. Also don’t walk wearing slippers. Children should wear canvas shoes similar to those worn to the convent. Wear cotton clothes that absorb sweat easily.

  • If you stumble or wobble while walking, you should definitely take the support of a hand stick. A walker can also be used if needed.
  • While walking outside, keep a slip in your pocket with your home address and phone numbers of family members, relatives, and loved ones.
  • Do not walk on empty stomach without eating anything. Eat light Tiffin and walk.
  • Do not go too far from home. If possible, it is better to walk with one or two people of the same age.


Walking is an excellent way to enhance your health. It is low-impact and requires no special equipment or gear. You can walk at your own pace at any time of day. As a result, despite its simplicity, it is more potent and has far more benefits of walking than we think.

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