Heart attacks are caused by a sudden blockage in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle.

Sudden cardiac arrest during exercise or heavy physical activity can mostly happen because of existing blockages, diagnosed or undiagnosed, in the heart.

Blockages in the heart are a result of cells and cholesterol particles breaking through the barrier of endothelial cells and infiltrating the lining of the artery.

Plaque rupture or trigger electrical disturbances in the heart” that further lead to cardiac arrest.

It is important to have a nutrient-rich diet as per the need of the body. Avoid eating oily or junk food.

Practice breathing exercises to keep your blood flood in control and relax your body during intense workout sessions.

Skip gym on days you are feeling unwell or not in the best of your health.

Take up exercise as per your physical abilities. Everyone’s body has its own capabilities and has to go through a process.

Next: Breakfast Foods for People with Diabetes

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