Use Lukewarm Water

Once you have taken a lukewarm shower, apply a moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid and ceramides. This will keep the moisture barrier intact and prevent dryness.

Stay Hydrated

The air is drier in the winter, whether it's outside or inside your house. Water easily evaporates from your body as a result. Consequently, you must maintain your skin hydrated.

Choose Skin Care Products Wisely

Use ceramides, hyaluronic acid, hydration serums, and glycerin-containing products to help repair the skin's moisture barrier if you have acne or outbreaks.

Protect Your Skin

The warm sun rays feel pleasant, but the UV rays can still damage your skin a lot.

Protect Your Skin

Do Not Exfoliate Your Skin A Lot

Exfoliating your skin once a week is fine,  this helps in boosting skin regeneration and better product absorption

Moisture Your Hands

Compared to the skin on any other part of your body, the skin on your hands has less oil glands.

Do Not Wear Wet Clothes

This will make your skin even more irritated and itchy. It's okay to walk and play in the snow, but make sure to take off your wet socks, pants, and gloves as soon as you can.

Avoid irritating things for your skin

Winter skin is quite delicate, and being exposed to allergens might make your symptoms worse.

Take Care Of Your Diet

Frequently consume seasonal fruits and vegetables. Berries are excellent providers of the vitamins and antioxidants your skin requires to keep healthy during the winter.

Next: 10 Vegetables to grow in winter season

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