Elizabeth was born at 02:40 (GMT) on 21 April 1926

She was home-schooled under the supervision of their mother and their governess

In 1943, Elizabeth undertook her first solo public appearance on a visit to the Grenadier Guards

Elizabeth met her future husband, Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, in 1934 and again in 1937 married in 1947

Princess Elizabeth volunteered as a truck driver & mechanic during World War II

Elizabeth II became queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on 6 February 1952

On 9 Sep 2015, Elizabeth II became the longest reigning monarch in British & Commonwealth history

During COVID-19 Pandemic Elizabeth moved to Windsor Castle and sequestered there as a precaution

Elizabeth's residence in Norfolk, which she personally owned

Queen Elizabeth II dead at 96 on September 8th 2022 evening at 18:30 BST